Privacy Policy/Disclosure
The Shame Lady is owned by Emote Promotions, LLC, Boulder, Colorado, USA. The information contained on this website and on any materials available for download from this site are for informational and/or educational purposes only. The site author and owner disclaim all liability that may arise as a result of using this information. This site does not and cannot substitute for obtaining medical, mental health, legal, or professional coaching advice, services, or treatment from a qualified professional. Links to external sources are provided solely as a courtesy, and this site does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for their content or policies (including privacy policies), nor does mention on this site constitute recommendation or endorsement of information, products, services, or policies found on linked sites.
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, The Shame Lady provides this notice explaining our online information practices. The Shame Lady collects email addresses for subscribers, and will send periodic email updates to subscribers. Once subscribed, you have the option to unsubscribe at any time. Email addresses are never shared or sold. This site is hosted by Squarespace, which collects default standard site visit information, and generates site visit metrics for the site owner. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to our website to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of any new uses.