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The Shame Lady's Blog

Filtering by Tag: trump

Shame Campaign 2020

Kristina Eklund

Warning - The Shame Lady is no longer avoiding politics. Why? Longstanding collective ideals are shifting - some needed to, AND some very valuable ideals are being threatened. Shame plays a huge role in any discussion of ideals.

We often think of the downside of shame - trust me - I know the pain of surviving childhood sexual abuse and the debilitating shame associated with that.

But Shame has an upside - a beautiful side - a usefulness - an adaptive function in life. Consider this question: What's one thing you would WANT someone to feel ashamed of?
What "shame-producing should" comes up for you?

My first one of the day came as I read an Associated Press article entitled "Trump admits he's blocking postal cash: Acknowledges strategy to stop mail-in votes."

Here's the shaming statement that came up for me: The president of the United States should not be purposely making it more difficult for people to vote in a presidential election.

The "shame-producing should" points to the ideal that I believe we as a nation should uphold: Our president should ENCOURAGE voter participation and should encourage the facilitation of safe access to voting.

Upholding group ideals takes a group, it takes work. Sometimes it takes shaming work.

Shame on you Mr. Trump.